Read Write INC!

We are proud to announce that we are now a Read, Write INC school! We have been officially recognised for our contributions and efforts in improving reading and writing attainment in our school using this verified programme. Well done to … Continued

British Science Week

  British Science Week 2024 Many of our pupils took part in the Leaders Award during British Science Week.  They had to answer the question, ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’  All of the pupils who entered … Continued

Phonics Drop in Sessions

Thank you to all the reception parents who joined our phonics drop in session! This was well attended and we hope you enjoyed it as much as the staff and children did. We wanted to share a comment from one … Continued

School Update Parent meeting – 19/01/2024

Thank you to all of our parents and carers for your continued support. Below, please find all workshop updates and general parent information. Please keep in mind that you are always welcome to our Friday afternoon celebration assemblies and our … Continued

PSHE Coffee Morning

Thank you to all the parents who attended our coffee morning on Tuesday 21st November.  It was lovely to see so many of you taking an interest in the PSHE curriculum and your feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.   During the … Continued

Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 29th September 2023, we held our annual coffee morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. We can reveal we raised a whopping £1190.75 which is more than last year! Thank you so much for all of your support … Continued

REAL Project home visit 1

On Friday 10th November Miss Parker and Miss Rubi visited the homes of the families taking part in the REAL Project.  The theme of the home visit was environmental print.  Miss Parker and Miss Rubi modelled talking about the logos … Continued

REAL Information meeting

Thank you to the Nursery parents who attended the information meeting to find out about the REAL Project and to take part in some activities linked to literacy.  We received lots of positive feedback about how useful this was.  Here … Continued

Early Reading Coffee Morning

‘Thank you to all the Reception and KS1 parents who attended our Early Reading coffee morning. We received a lot of positive feedback about how useful this was. Due to this we are going to rerun this coffee morning for … Continued

Reading Champions Celebration

We were thrilled to have been invited to take part in Tameside Schools’ Library Service’s Reading Champions Celebration in recognition of our hard work in promoting reading throughout our school.