Please click on the relevant policy name below to view the full details. If you would like a paper copy of any of the school’s policies, please request at the school office or contact


Accessibility Plan 2023

Anti Bullying Policy 2023

AWE Attendance Policy 2024

Behaviour Policy Update 2023

Calculation policy update 2021

Charging and Remissions Policy 2024

Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

Children with health needs who cannot attend school 2023

CME Policy March 2024

Community Cohesion Promotion Policy 2023

Complaints Procedure Policy July 2023

Curriculum Policy 2023

Data Protection Policy March 2024

Disaster Recovery Plan

Early Career Teacher Policy 2023-2024

 Educational Visits Policy Feb 24

Emergency Evacuation Plan June 2024

Equality and Diversity Policy June 2024

Ethos and Values Policy

Exclusion Policy Nov 2023

EYFS Policy November 2023

Financial Regulations Manual Feb 2024

Fire Safety Policy Sept 2023

First Aid Policy July 2023

Fraud Policy 2024 

Fundraising Policy 2024

Gifts and hospitality Feb 24

Governor Visits Policy June 2023

Handwriting Policy June 2024

Health and Safety Policy 2023 

Healthy Schools Policy

Homework Policy February 2024

Leave of Absence Guidance 2023

Lockdown and Invacuation Policy July 2023

Lone Working Policy 2024

Intimate care policy June 2022 – 24

Investment Policy 2023  

Managing Attendance Procedure AWE July 2023 

Marking Policy 2023

Mobile Phone Policy Feb 2024

Online Safety Policy March 2024

Pastoral Care Policy 2023-24

Pay Policy 2023-2024

Positive handling and physical intervention policy 2024

Pecuniary Interests Policy 2023

Premises Management Policy Oct 2023

 Presentation Policy 2023 

 Pupil Well Being Policy 2023 

Recruitment of Ex offenders 2023

Reserves Policy June 2023

Retention Periods Policy 2023 

Risk Assessment Policy Feb 2024

Risk Management Policy 2023

Scheme of Delegation October 2023

SEND-Policy and Information Report-September-2023

Single Central Register Policy 2023

SMSC Policy 2023

Special Leave Policy 2024

Staff Code of Conduct July 2023

Staff Disciplinary Procedure Policy June 2022

Staff Capability Procedures 2023

Staff Grievance Procedures

 Staff Handbook 2023

Staff Well Being Policy June 2024

Statement of British Values

Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy July 2023

Teaching and Learning Policy 2023

 Teacher Appraisal Policy 2024

 AWE Whistleblowing Policy March 2024


For subject specific policies, please follow this link:

Curriculum Subject Policies