
Welcome to Year 1 with Miss Mistry-Kendall and Mrs Ogden

It is going to be a very busy but enjoyable year full of exciting activities and challenges. We hope to inspire and motivate all the children, ensuring everyone reaches their full potential by the end of year 1.

During the year children will be given responsibilities to develop confidence and independence. They will be chosen to be an eco monitor, hand out books and given other special jobs at various points throughout the year.

In Autumn term, we introduce the children to life in year 1; setting out the expectations and routine. We will also continue to use Class Dojo to provide the children with positive reinforcement and stay in touch with parents.. Throughout the year, we will build on the expectations and routines, developing our knowledge of a wide range of topic areas. 

If you have any questions about year 1 or your child, please do not hesitate to speak to us or arrange an appointment after school.

Miss Mistry and Mrs Ogden