The school council members meet once a fortnight with Miss Pizuti.
Year 5 – Paignton and Yahya
Year 4 – Mohammad and Ikraam
Year 3 – Ibrahim and Muntaha
Year 2 – Aiza and Uzair
Our head boys and head girls also join us:
Head Boy:
Deputy Head Boy:
Head Girl:
Deputy Head Girl:
Science Ambassadors
These pupils have been chosen after showing keen interest in their Science learning.
There are two representatives from each KS2 class and these children have specific roles in school.
One role is to help keep our school Science garden neat and tidy, ready for other pupils to use in their science lessons; also watering, weeding, composting and organising gardening tools.
They have also been responsible for choosing and buying the seeds and plants we are growing around school.
They have additional responsibilities to help organise the Science resources so that these are ready to be taken to classrooms for lessons.