General Homework Information:

Websites to help with learning

At Ashton West End Primary, we use a number of online learning platforms to support our pupils with learning in the classroom and at home. Please find further information below:

Websites pamphlet

Bedrock Learning

Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) have been provided with log in details to an online learning platform called Bedrock Vocabulary. Bedrock Vocabulary is a research-based curriculum that teaches students the language they need to succeed at school. The interactive lessons teach important language called tier 2 vocabulary.

It’s important that at least two Bedrock lessons are completed each week. The two lessons will guarantee the consistent exposure required for vocabulary learning. It will also ensure that reading is consistent too!

To access the learning platform:

Search bedrock learning in the internet browser and click the log in button in the top right-hand corner or click this link:


Times Table Rockstars

Your child has a username and password for Times Table Rockstars so they can learn their times tables at home. Here is the link they can use to access it. Please encourage them to use it as often as they can.


Ashton West End Primary Academy- Calculation Policy

If you are helping your child with their homework and would like to know what methods we use in school, then please click on our policy below and you will find out what they are taught for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Ks1 and Ks2 Calculation Policy



Your child has a username and password for Mathletics so they can access this at home. Mathletics is directly linked to the maths work your child is learning in class so it will help to extend their learning at home.

Espresso at home

Your child now has a username and password for Espresso. They can access it at home to support their learning in English, Maths and many other subjects. Please encourage them to use it when they have some spare time.

Espresso login