Book Competition

Thanks to Hamid’s (Y6) amazing estimating skills, we will be receiving 50 free books from Great Academy Ashton.  Hamid correctly guessed how many copies of ‘Who Let The Gods Out’ it would take to weight the same as the Principal at GAA.  Last week, their librarian visited school and Hamid was able to choose 50 books.  We look forward to the books being delivered and can’t wait to read them all.  


Well done Hamid! 



Reading Champions Celebration

We were thrilled to have been invited to take part in Tameside Schools’ Library Service’s Reading Champions Celebration in recognition of our hard work in promoting reading throughout our school. 


Visit to Madeleine Lindley’s bookshop

The school librarians, along with the school council, visited Madeleine Lindley’s wonderful bookshop to choose books that challenge and excite us.


World Book Day 2023

We all had a great day celebrating World Book Day.

Don’t forget to pop to WH Smith or Asda to exchange your token for a great book of your very own!