Our Science Vision

We encourage curiosity in our pupils.  We want our learners to question the world in which they live.  We want them to build and apply the knowledge they need to answer these questions through observation, communication, exploration research and teamwork and above all else; to develop a passion for science which stays with them for life.

New Curriculum Summary Science




We have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark

R21 autumn PSQM Press release

Here is some of our fabulous Science learning:




British Science Week 2024

Many of our pupils took part in the Leaders Award during British Science Week.  They had to answer the question, ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’  All of the pupils who entered have received a certificate from the Leaders Award for their participation. Incredibly, 11 pupils received certificates graded with ‘Distinction’ as they were shortlisted by VIPs and top engineers from all over the UK for their innovative designs.  




Why not try some growing activities at home?