Welcome to Nursery.
The teacher in Nursery is Miss Parker. The teaching assistant is Miss Rubi.
Morning Nursery starts at 08.45am and finishes at 11:45pm. Afternoon Nursery starts at 12.25pm and finishes at 3.15pm. Please bring your child to the gate near to Howarth Timber. A member of staff will be there to help you find the way.
Please make sure you arrive on time at the start and end of the nursery day. In the morning the gates will open at 8.40am and close at 8.45am. In the afternoon the gates will open at 12.25pm and close at 12.30pm. If you arrive late and the gates are locked, please go to the school office.
Please ensure that you send a bag that is big enough to fit spare clothes and an A4 book into school and that these are clearly labelled. The spare clothes are so that we can change the children if they have an accident, get wet during outdoor play, or get very dirty.
The children will be doing lots of learning through play. They will be learning to make friends, take turns, learn how to share, tidy up, line up and follow the daily routine.
In Literacy, the children will be joining in singing songs, listening to and talking about stories, creating marks on paper then learning to draw carefully, learning to recognise our name then writing our name with the correct letter formation.
In Mathematics, the children will be focusing on the numbers 1-5. They will learn to recognise these numbers, select the correct number of objects from a large group, explore different ways of representing these numbers and recognise quantities up to 5 without counting them. We will also be exploring shapes, quantities, size and singing lots of number rhymes such as 5 little ducks.
In our topic work, the children will be learning lots of different things about the world in which we live. During the Autumn terms, we will be learning all about ourselves and what makes us special, and we will be learning about different celebrations and festivals that take place in our diverse world. In the Spring terms, we will be learning about all different kinds of animals and plants and how to look after them and in the Summer terms, we will be learning about lots of traditional tales such as The Gingerbread Man and getting ready for Reception. During the Spring and Summer terms, the children will have the opportunity to watch chicks and butterflies grow and take care of them. They will also have the opportunity to go on to a trip to the farm.
We will also be working with Miss Mather for our PE lessons, where we will learn how to run, walk, crawl, roll, jump, dance, skip and hop in lots of different ways and use the balance bikes. Our PE lessons will take place on a Friday.
The children will need to bring a coat to school every day. Wellies need to be brought into school as we will be exploring the outdoors every day, even if it is raining. During the colder weather, the children will need hats, scarves, and gloves. During the warmer weather, the children will need a sunhat.
The children will have a snack while at Nursery. School will provide your child with a drink of milk or water and a piece of fruit. Please do not send in juice from home. If you wish to send a drink in with your child, please ensure that it is water and that your child’s bottle is clearly labelled.
Miss Parker and Miss Rubi will be available at the beginning and end of each day if you have any questions. We will be holding sessions each half term so that you can come into school and look at your child’s work and attend sessions where we give you information to help your child’s learning at home. Please speak to a member of staff if you would like support with anything at home and we can try to arrange a session to help with this or help you with individual concerns you may have.
The children will be bringing homework home at the beginning of each half term and this will need to be returned to Nursery for the date stated on the homework. Homework will also be posted on to class dojo each Friday. Homework will need to be uploaded onto class dojo by Wednesday each week. The homework set will be practical activities, that allow the children to learn through play the skills they need to be successful within Nursery. Please support your child and complete this homework. The children will bring home a library book every Friday and this needs to be returned to school by Wednesday.
Please keep looking at our class pages and class dojo for more information and to see photographs of your child’s learning throughout the half term. School will provide you with log in details for your child and yourself for class dojo so please keep these safe and sign up to class dojo as soon as you get the login details.
Thank you for your support and we will look forward to meeting you all very soon.
Miss Parker and Miss Rubi.