Autumn Term
This term we are so excited to welcome you and your child into our school community. In Reception, we will be spending the first term settling into our new classes and meeting our new friends. Our topic is ‘All about me’, where we will be sharing our experiences and learning about our place in the world! This will be done through carpet sessions and in continuous provision. These are how our areas are set up for this term to help your child take control of their own learning through play and interaction.

Spring Term

This term we will learn all about our new topics, ‘Superhero’s in Our Community and ‘Growing’. We are very lucky to have visitors from our community come in this term and speak to us, including a Paralympian, police officers and more! This is an exciting opportunity to use our school garden and EYFS planters to plant our own flowers and vegetables! Below are some of the books we will be using to explore these topics further; make sure you come and see our garden when you attend our parent workshops and coffee mornings this term.

Summer Term

This term we will be looking at ‘Journeys’ and ‘Summer’. All of our areas have been set up to prepare for some exciting journeys; we will be looking at maps, what to pack for different holidays and make our own postcards from Ashton West End Primary School! Have a look below at our new provision areas. A big journey our children will be going on this term is transitioning from Reception to Year 1, so keep checking the newsletters and class dojo for information about parent meetings and Stay and Plays!