Reception Phonics Drop In 30th January 8:50-9:30am
Thank you to all the parents who attended this morning, what a turn out! We hope you enjoyed taking part in your child’s phonics lesson and seeing the progress they have made since the last one in the Autumn term. As always, home learning resources will be coming home at half term for you to practise with. Please keep an eye on dojo for when our next parent session will be.
Many thanks,
The Early Years Team
Angela Rayner visit- Friday 13th December 2024 
The newly refurbished Ashton West End Primary Academy was opened on Friday 13th December 2024 by The Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP. Angela visited all of the refurbished parts of the school and met with some of our pupils and staff. It was a very enjoyable afternoon.
Online Safety Parent Workshop- Tuesday 15th November 2024 Thank you to those parents who attended the online safety workshops. Here is the PPT that Lyndsey shared with you. 
Ashton West End Parent workshop Oct 2024 We hope the workshops were helpful. If you would like any more information then please visit our Online Safety Hub which has lots of information around screen time, social media and gaming.
MacMillan Coffee Morning- Friday 27th September 2024
Thank you to all of the parents and carers who joined us for the coffee morning or who donated money, cakes or biscuits. It was a fabulous morning and we raised lots of money for a great cause. We raised a whopping £1178, which is incredible!
Thank you. 

Stay and Play session in Nursery 

Thank you to all the families that came to the stay and play session in Nursery.  The children had a wonderful time showing you all the things they have been learning and we hope that it gives you some ideas of activities and games you can try at home.   

We look forward to seeing you at our next event. 


REAL project meeting 

Thank you to all the families who attended our REAL project meeting to find out what the REAL project is all about and for agreeing to participate in the project.  We are really excited to work alongside you to deliver this project and support you with helping your child to learn at home. 

REAL Project- What is the REAL project?

We look forward to seeing you at our next event. 

Toilet training advice 

Thank you to all the families who attended our toilet training advice meeting.  We hope that you found this very useful and you feel more confident and supported with this skill.  Please come to see us if you need any additional advice or help with toilet training.

Toilet training

We look forward to seeing you at our next event. 

Phonics Parents meeting

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our phonics introduction meeting. We received a lot of great feedback and the children loved showing their learning to you all. If you were unable to attend please find attached the PowerPoint and the handout to go with it. Keep an eye out for our drop in sessions to come and see your child’s phonics group in action!

19.9.24 handout



School Update Parent meeting – 19/01/2024

Thank you to all of our parents and carers for your continued support. Below, please find all workshop updates and general parent information. Please keep in mind that you are always welcome to our Friday afternoon celebration assemblies and our Thursday morning class assemblies. Both staff and children look forward to seeing you there. We would also like to welcome you to share your views using the following link

Thank you to those who attended our Parents Meeting for updates on our school. For those of you who could not attend, please find the powerpoint below. The key headlines are… 

Our Phonics Screening Check results were way above National at 90%! 

Our combined Reading Writing and Maths results for Year 6 are above local and national average! 

We have been moved to a category 1 school. 

We are having building work done to offer more rooms for small group learning, this will start in February, see plans in the PowerPoint


PSHE Coffee Morning 21/11/2023

Thank you to all the parents who attended our coffee morning on Tuesday 21st November.  It was lovely to see so many of you taking an interest in the PSHE curriculum and your feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. 

During the morning, we introduced a program called myHappymind. myHappymind is all based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves! The children have now had their introductory assembly and will begin the programme in January. Many parents who attended the coffee morning were excited about how this programme will support our pupils in building confidence and resilience. We will keep you updated! 

myHappymind has also developed a set of resources for parents and these resources can be accessed online on your computer, or through an app on your phone. The resources allow children to continue to practise some of the habits they develop at school, such as Happy Breathing, and help you to learn more about the program. Also included are activities for you to do together at home, to complement the in-school lessons.  Information about how to log into these resources has been sent on ParentMail and ClassDojo, and there will be posters around the school to further support with this.   


Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 29th September 2023, we held our annual coffee morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support. We can reveal we raised a whopping £1190.75 which is more than last year! Thank you so much for all of your support and donations! 

REAL Project home visit 1 

On Friday 10th November Miss Parker and Miss Rubi visited the homes of the families taking part in the REAL Project.  The theme of the home visit was environmental print.  Miss Parker and Miss Rubi modelled talking about the logos and signs that the children see on a regular basis.  Following on from this we taught the families how to play pairs with the logos and signs.  The families had lots of fun and reminded some of the families on games they used to play as children.  At the end of the visit Miss Parker and Miss Rubi presented the family with a leaflet about environmental print, some glue, scissors, and a book.  We asked the families to fill the book with signs and logos they find and to show us what they had found when we next visit. 


REAL information meeting 

Thank you to the Nursery parents who attended the information meeting to find out about the REAL Project and to take part in some activities linked to literacy.  We received lots of positive feedback about how useful this was. 

Here are some of the comments we received… 

“It was very informative and useful.” 

“It was nice to see your child doing different activities.” 

“Everything was explained beautifully” 

“It was a good experience with lovely teachers- I always will be grateful to take part in such activities.” 

REAL project meeting




Early Reading Coffee Morning

‘Thank you to all the Reception and KS1 parents who attended our Early Reading coffee morning. We received a lot of positive feedback about how useful this was. Due to this we are going to rerun this coffee morning for those who were unable to attend, watch out for the next date! 

Here are some of the comments we received… 

‘A very informative presentation which gave a fantastic insight into how the children will be learning. I found it very beneficial!’ 

‘Good experience learning about how you teach in school and how we should help at home. It was nice to meet new people and gain knowledge that I’m excited to try at home.’

English Coffee Morning

Friday 29th September – Macmillan Coffee Morning

We had a fantastic turn out for our Macmillan Coffee Morning. Our whole school community turned up to support this very worthy cause and we managed to raise a whopping £1187.55. Thank you to you all for your donations!



Tuesday 20th June 2023 – PSHE Coffee Morning

Thank you to all the parents who attended the PSHE coffee morning. The event was an opportunity for parents to find out more about how and why PSHE is taught at Ashton West End in a relaxed and social environment. We went over the statutory requirements for the subject and how this looks in each year group.

At our school, we have consulted with parents and designed a curriculum to reflect the age, maturity and cultural considerations of our pupils. The curriculum overview was explained, including recent changes to the placement of puberty lessons in KS2. Parents were assured that future changes affecting the content of lessons would be subject to parental consultation.

Parents in attendance were pleased with the coverage and felt that any fears and questions they had coming into the meeting were addressed.

“Very happy with the content covered today. Puts my mind at ease.”


“Thank you for addressing key concerns we have and answering questions.”


“I am very happy about your concept of PSHE.”


Below is a link to the PowerPoint from the meeting. The updated scheme of work, with KS2 puberty changes, will be available on the website from September.

PSHE Coffee Morning


New Reception Meeting

Thank you to all who attended our New Reception Meeting on Thursday 22nd June. We had some lovely feedback, and it gave us an opportunity to answer any questions you had. Please find the Powerpoint below if you were unable to attend, and don’t hesitate to contact school if you have any further questions.

Reception parent meeting

Year 4 Multiplication Check Meeting

Times tables are crucial for children to achieve their potential in math. The PowerPoint from our Multiplication Tables Check shared at the parents meeting can be found below. This runs through how the test is administered as well as how you can help your child at home.


Nursery Library Services

Nursery have worked with the library services and a local author to help create a children’s book! The children have all received a copy of the book, presented by Miss Pizuti


Nursery Stay and Play

Thank you to all who attended our Nursery stay and play sessions this term. We look forward to your children starting with us on the 4th September!

Here are some comments from parent feedback: 

‘Very helpful with filling in forms.’ 

‘My son is excited to start nursery and play with the friends he has made.’ 

‘She already loves school and can’t wait to come back.’ 


Mental health and Wellbeing support

TMBC have produced this pamphlet with information regarding what is available in terms of support for mental health and well being.

J004608 CYP Mental Health Navigation leaflet

If you would like any help accessing support available or to discuss any mental health and well being issues connected to your children and families, please contact our school Well being and Pastoral care leads; Mrs Green or Becky.




On Tuesday 9th May, the children in the Early Years had a very special visit from a production company. tHe children and parents loved watching the show!

Here is what the parents said:

‘Great play, lovely way for children to learn.’  

‘It was great to see my children engage.’ 

‘It was fun, children really enjoyed it.’ 





Phonics Parents morning

On Thursday 4th May, we invited parents into school to watch phonics lessons with the children from EYFS. They really enjoyed watching the children learning and found the session useful.

Here is what some of them said:

“I’m very proud of the teachers for doing a great job.” 

“As a team, you guys are doing an amazing job and having a positive impact on children, growth and learning.” 

“It was very good to see kids reading and speaking in phonics. Well done teachers and students.” 



Phonics Screening Check Parents Meeting

On the 19th of May, we have planned a parents coffee morning to share and discuss the phonics screening check for parents of children in KS1 and Early Years. Please find the presentation below for further information.



Parent and Carer SEND Support Network



Science Fair – March 2023

To celebrate British Science Week, we organised and held our very own science fair. Parents, carers, children and staff had lots of fun carrying our lots of different investigations from marbling planets to exploding rockets. It was very exciting and enjoyed by all who attended. 

Made with Clipchamp


Pre-Writing Parent Workshop – February 2023

As part of the REAL project parents and carers were invited into Nursery to discuss the importance of pre writing skills and to take part in some of the activities that can be carried out at home to help develop these skills. At the end of the session the children took home a copy of the pre writing shapes and a recipe sheet to make playdough at home. Please find the presentation below.

Pre-writing skills


Reading Coffee Morning – November 2022

We invited parents and carers in to school to share how we approach the learning of reading at Ashton West End Primary. Reading is crucial to every child’s education and at our school, we use a number of approaches to support every child in their reading development and also, foster a love of reading and books. For further information, please see the PowerPoint (shared during the meeting) below:

English Coffee Morning


Community and Parent support meeting – November 2022

Michael Phipps from the Violence Reduction Unit came into school and discussed any concerns and Issues parents and the community felt were occurring in our local area and school community. An open forum was held and many school staff, parents and members of the community attended. Please find further information on this website:

We have been running a competition for the children to create a piece of artwork in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The children have made an amazing effort and produced some great artwork. 

Parents’ Online Safety Workshop- 23rd March 2022
Thank you to all of the parents who attended our online safety workshop led by Charlotte Jones from Tameside. Here is the link to the PowerPoint she used. A copy will also be sent to you via Parent Mail
Year 1 Phonics Screening Parent meeting
Please see below for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check information. This will give you more of an insight into how we are preparing your child for success in the upcoming phonics screening check and how you can support at home.
Many thanks,
Miss Cooper
Key Stage 2 SATs Parent meeting
Thank you to all parents who attended the meeting about end of key stage 2 SATs on Monday 21st March 2022. We appreciate your continued support and hope you found it informative and helpful. For any parents who were unable to attend, if you would like a copy of the information given out at the meeting please just ask at the school office and we would be happy to provide you with this. 
Multiplication Check – Wednesday 9th March 2022
The Year 4 teachers, Mr Hanley and Miss Pearson, along with Miss Taylor delivered a meeting to parents about the upcoming Multiplication Tables Check. Key information was shared about what to expect with the check and when it will be taken place. Parents had the opportunity to speak to the staff about any queries. 
If you were unable to attend the meeting, please see attached for the resources to provide key information about the check.
Online Safety Workshop for Parents- Monday 11th October 2021

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our online safety workshop delivered by esafe’s Kat Howard. Here is the Power Point if you would like to read over any of the slides again. 
Ashton West End School Parents 11th Oct 2021
Key Stage 2 Reading Workshop, Friday 1st October and Early Years/KS1 Reading Workshop, Tuesday 5th October 2021
Thank you to all parents who attended our reading workshops with Miss Donnellon, Mrs Naz and Miss Cooper. The PowerPoints that Miss Donnellon used, complete with useful links, are below. Also below is the handout explaining more about Read Write Inc. phonics, that was also given out at the Tuesday workshop. Please ask Miss Donnellon if you would like any further information about this.


Read Write Inc Information Booklet

KS2 Reading Workshop

KS1 and Early Years Reading Workshop






The Bread and Butter Thing

TBBT makes life more affordable for people on a low income, builds stronger communities and reduces food waste using an innovative and self-sustaining approach to the redistribution of surplus food and non-food items. With a hub based at St Peter’s Church, support is available for those in times of need and struggle in our local community. Please visit the site below for further information.


Year 4 MTC Parents’ Meeting- Wednesday 4th March 2020

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our multiplication timetable check meeting for our year 4 children. The PowerPoint that Mrs Etchells and Miss Pearson used is below. Please ask one of the year 4 teachers if you require more information about this.

MTC PowerPoint


Year 2 SATs Meeting- Wednesday 5th February 2020

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our Yr2 SATs meeting. The Power Point that Miss Lumb and Mr Nowak used is below if you need to make further reference to it.

SATs PowerPoint


Thursday 30th January 2020 – Phonics Workshop for Parents

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our phonics workshop. We hope you gained valuable information on how to support your child at home. Please ask in school if you need anymore help or advice.



Wednesday 29th January 2020- Y6 SATs Parents’ Meeting

Thank you to all of the year 6 parents who attended our information evening. The PowerPoint that Mrs Green and Miss Taylor used is here if you need it to refer to.


Online Safety Workshop- Tuesday 28th January 2020

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our online safety workshop delivered by Kat Howard. Kat has emailed a copy of the PowerPoint she used to Miss Pizuti so if you would like a copy please ask at the main reception.



KS2 English Curriculum Parents’ Meeting- Thursday 24th October 2019

Thank you to all of the parents who attended the meeting. The Power Point with the information on from the meeting is below. Please come in and speak to us if you need any more information.

KS2 English Curriculum


KS1 English Curriculum Parents’ Meeting- Thursday 17th October 2019

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our meeting regarding reading, writing and phonics. Below is the PowerPoint we used during the meeting. Please come and see your child’s teacher if you need any further information.

KS1 English PowerPoint document


MacMillan Coffee Morning- Friday 27th September 2019

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our coffee morning with their children. During the day, we sold cakes, biscuits and drinks and the children all wore green. Mrs Coyne even wore a green wig all day! We raised nearly £1400 so thank you for your support during the day.

no images were found

Cash For Kids Coffee Morning- Friday 10th May 2019

Thank you to all of the parents who attended our coffee morning in order to raise money for The Cash For Kids Charity. The children and staff dressed up as super heroes for the day. Children bought cakes and drinks during the morning. We raised over £1000 so thank you very much for your support.

no images were found

KS2 Maths Parents’ Meeting- Thursday 7th February 2019

Thank you to all of the parents who attended the KS2 parents’ maths meeting. The PowerPoint discussed is below.

Maths Workshop PowerPoint

Science Workshop Letter – May 2019


Our recent fundrasing:

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Family Services Leaflet